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Best Dog Names from Around the World


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While we all call dogs by many different monikers – such as doggo, pupper, pooch and pup - when the dog in question is your own, you want to give them a name that is not only trendy but also befitting their personality.

Although the best part of getting a dog is the joy of owning a pet who will love you unconditionally, coming up with a perfect name for them is all part of the fun, too. The best dog names are ones that are carefully considered, after all!

Some people prepare for their dog’s arrival into their lives and homes much like babies and think about their names beforehand. However, looking at their face and getting to know their personality might make you want to change your mind.

Naming your dog can leave you confused and indecisive because you want a suitable name for your dog that can be said with love and compassion, but also one that you won’t mind shouting across the park, if needs be.

A good dog name is essential because it is a permanent fixture in your life, significant to you, and this is why the whole naming process so important. A dog’s personality and its looks are great deciders of what they should be named after.

Some people are more than happy to give them human names but others like exotic and fictional names. However, when you are thinking about choosing a name, here are some considerations for you to ensure that you make the right choice.

Helpful Tips for Choosing a Name for your Dog

A name is an unchangeable fact. You will use it countless times throughout a day to praise, train, scold and call out to your dog. Here is what you should consider before you settle on a top dog name.

  • Choose a name that your dog can easily recognise. Most dogs respond better to short and easily comprehensible names
  • Choose a name that is easy and convenient enough for you to call them. If its pronunciation is too difficult for you, how are you going to ensure that your dog responds to it? Besides, complicated names are often too embarrassing to call out in company
  • Dogs usually don’t respond well to names that sound like conventional comments like yes, no and come. For example, “Joe” sounds very much like “No” and that may be confusing for your dog. It is important to understand that your dog should be able to tell a difference between its own name and a command
  • If you have your heart set on a complicated name, settle on a shortened version of it to avoid any complication and confusion

Now that you have a basic grasp on the concept of the dog naming process, let’s take a look at the best dog names and naming trends that were popular this year.

Top Dog Names for Male and Female Dogs

In 2016, female dogs were mostly likely to be called Luna, Stella, Mia, Lassie, Izzy, Nala, Lulu, Lola and Ellie while male dogs were given the following names: Diesel, Leo, Cooper, Milo, Marley, Tank, Bentley, Thor and Gunner.

Classic Names

Don’t you just love it when dogs have old fashioned names? Eugene, Walter, Damon, Seymour, Flora, Harriet and Agatha are just some of the names that have an old-era feel to them and are perfect for dogs, regardless of what year it is. What’s more, these names are much less common so your dog will easily recognise their name being called in public.

Walk Down Memory Lane

You might have a distant memory of your childhood or something that you cherished beyond everything else. A dog is going to be an affectionate entity in your life and it’s only fair that you name them after something from your childhood that you absolutely loved – perhaps a character from a book or film, perhaps Noddy or Alice?

Consider their Personality and Looks

Fawn, Chestnut, Cocoa, Ebony and Ivory are just some of the names that are based on the fur colours of your dog.

You can find similar names based on their appearance and personality using our pet name generator!
