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Seasonal Cats Names You Will Love


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Choosing names for cats, dogs and pets, in general, is a big deal – but often, it can be difficult to choose a name that suits your pet’s personality. Here at Perfect Pet Name, we think a great way of choosing a name for your new pet can be determined by the time of year.

Of course, it goes without saying that not all cats, dogs and more will suit a seasonal name, but we’re hoping that we can give inspiration and advice should you be stuck on what to name your kitty.

So, without further ado…


  • April
  • Raine
  • Blossom
  • Cherry
  • Foxy
  • Aurora
  • Buddy
  • Petal


  • Sunny
  • Buzz
  • Orion
  • River
  • Sandy
  • Soleil
  • Dahlia
  • Peach


  • Autumn
  • Pumpkin
  • Spice
  • Cinnamon
  • Trixie
  • Storm
  • Amber
  • Boo


  • Frost
  • Mittens
  • Sven
  • Snowy
  • Holly
  • Ivy
  • Jack
  • Wren

Names for cats can be much more adventurous than those that are used for dogs – in part, because you won’t be shouting it across the park, but also because cats have less need of recognising a name.

Does My Cat Know its Name?

Any cat owner will attest to this: cats are a little facetious and neurotic in their behaviour. While at times they crave attention, if you pet them for a second too long they might turn the claws on you. It’s all part of their charm.

As to whether they know their names or not; studies suggest that cats probably do understand and recognise the words most commonly used around them – such as their name and food. This has been determined based on their natural reactions to sounds, for example, ears moving, tails twitching and eye dilation.

That being said, they often choose to ignore it as they are intelligent creatures that have domesticated themselves over the years. Thus, they are less willing to obey commands, like a dog would. They still love affection, though, so keep the fusses coming!

Put simply, cats have the ability to recognise their names, but are intelligent enough only to respond when it results in something that benefits them. If your tone of voice is stern, then your cat will most likely ignore you, recalling the time you told them off for leaving a dead mouse in the kitchen.

If you use a number of different nicknames, your cat will probably only respond to the one most used, and ignore the rest. If you only cajole your cat into a cuddle just to give them a worming tablet, they will associate your behaviour with this betrayal – so it pays to be loving and caring at all times, regardless of the situation at hand.

For more information about choosing names for cats, please search our database or make a recommendation!
